Scalastyle: Implemented Rules › rules-1Ignore tokens is a comma separated string that may include the following : PatDefOrDcl (variables), TmplDef (classes, traits), TypeDefOrDcl (type definitions), FunDefOrDcl (functions) Supported indentation styles are “scaladoc” (for ScalaDoc-style comments, with two spaces before the asterisk), “javadoc” (for JavaDoc-style comments, with a single space before the asterisk) or “anydoc” to support any style (any number of spaces before the asterisk).
Troubleshoot common Scala issues | IntelliJ IDEA › help › ideaJan 11, 2023 · Change the Scala version to 2.12 and later. We also recommend that you use unique names for private methods in value classes. Why am I unable to compile my Scala project? In most cases your project JDK is not compatible with Scala or sbt version, try to change the Scala Compile Server SDK. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open Settings dialog.
Scalastyle: Implemented Rules › rules-0org.scalastyle.scalariform.EnsureSingleSpaceAfterTokenChecker - Ensure single space after certain token(s) id -; description - Ensure single space after certain token(s) class - org.scalastyle.scalariform.EnsureSingleSpaceAfterTokenChecker; default level - WarningLevel; Justification. Correct formatting can help readability.
scala - How to skip whitespace but use it as a token ... › questions › 20793058Dec 27, 2013 · If I turn on skipWhitespace the parser is greedily joining tokens together when the next token matches the regular expression of the previous one. If I turn off skipWhitespace, on the other hand, it complains because of the spaces not being part of the definition. I am trying to match the BNF as much as possible, and given that whitespace is almost always the delimeter (apart from brackets or some other cases where the delimeter is explicitly defined in the BNF), is there away to avoid ...