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scala no space after token

Scalastyle: Implemented Rules › rules-1
Ignore tokens is a comma separated string that may include the following : PatDefOrDcl (variables), TmplDef (classes, traits), TypeDefOrDcl (type definitions), FunDefOrDcl (functions) Supported indentation styles are “scaladoc” (for ScalaDoc-style comments, with two spaces before the asterisk), “javadoc” (for JavaDoc-style comments, with a single space before the asterisk) or “anydoc” to support any style (any number of spaces before the asterisk).
[GitHub] spark pull request #17658: [SPARK-20355] Add per ... › msg5...
... main/scala/org/apache/spark/scheduler/ApplicationEventListener.scala ... No space after token : [error] (core/compile:scalastyle) errors ...
Scalastyle: Implemented Rules
VerkkoIgnore tokens is a comma separated string that may include the following : PatDefOrDcl (variables), TmplDef (classes, traits), TypeDefOrDcl (type definitions), FunDefOrDcl …
scala - How to skip whitespace but use it as a token delimeter in a ...
Whitespace (spaces, tabs and newlines) are essentially token delimeters (apart from cases where there are brackets etc.). I am extending the …
scala - How to use the EnsureSingleSpaceAfterTokenChecker in ... › questions › 25775101
Viewed 368 times 1 I'm using the maven plugin for scalastyle. The Scalastyle site lists EnsureSingleSpaceAfterTokenChecker as one of the new checkers, but doesn't give an example of how to use it. I'm sure it's used like typical checkers, but I'm not sure how to configure the parameters. Does anyone know how to configure it? Is this legit?
scala - How to split string with trailing empty strings in result ...
VerkkoAs Peter mentioned in his answer, "string".split(), in both Java and Scala, does not return trailing empty strings by default. You can, however, specify for it to return trailing empty …
Implemented Rules - Scalastyle › rules-1.0.0...
DisallowSpaceAfterTokenChecker, Disallow space after certain token(s) ... there is no trailing whitespace at the end of lines; class - org.scalastyle.file.
Let's Talk About the Scala 3 Indentation - Rock the JVM Blog › scala-3...
Scala 3 indented syntax is not that bad, and it might actually help. ... the compiler adds indentation regions after certain tokens.
scala - Angularjs no token in the Header - Stack Overflow
I don't understand something or missing something I think. I have a LoginPage to authorize user (that's Angularjs 1.5) As Back-end I have a Scala/Play …
IDEA makes annoying whitespaces changes - JetBrains
Yes, I've tried using tabs. I thought that would solve it, but of course when I came to a file that was indented using spaces, they all got changed to tabs. I …
Troubleshoot common Scala issues | IntelliJ IDEA
Change the Scala version to 2.12 and later. We also recommend that you use unique names for private methods in value classes. Why am I unable to …
Configuration · Scalafmt - Scalameta › scalafmt › docs
Since v3.0.0, scalafmt supports Scala 3 features that can be enabled by ... if there's a space after them, the next tokens will be aligned on the left.
Troubleshoot common Scala issues | IntelliJ IDEA › help › idea
Jan 11, 2023 · Change the Scala version to 2.12 and later. We also recommend that you use unique names for private methods in value classes. Why am I unable to compile my Scala project? In most cases your project JDK is not compatible with Scala or sbt version, try to change the Scala Compile Server SDK. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open Settings dialog.
Troubleshoot common Scala issues | IntelliJ IDEA ... - JetBrains › help › tro...
Check the following answers on most common scala/sbt questions that can help ... To fix Out Of Memory issues with the Scala compiler, increase the heap size ...
Method Invocation | Style Guide | Scala Documentation
VerkkoScala has a special punctuation-free syntax for invoking methods of arity-1 (one argument). This should generally be avoided, but with the following exceptions for …
Don't add space after if · Issue #83 · scala-ide/scalariform
Don't add space after if · Issue #83 · scala-ide/scalariform · GitHub Fork Star Issues Pull requests Wiki New issue Don't add space after if #83 Closed …
when there is to much spaces "No space after token" message ... › scalastyle › scalastyle
Feb 1, 2019 · I had double space after token instead of single one and when build failed,I spent time on debugging why builder is not using most recent version of code. It was not easy to spot that after "=" were two spaces instead of one, but clearly there was a space there so I assumed that issue is with not properly saved file or something.
when there is to much spaces "No space after token" message ... › scalastyle › issues
I had double space after token instead of single one and when build failed,I spent time on debugging why builder is not using most recent ...
when there is to much spaces "No space after token" message is …
I had double space after token instead of single one and when build failed,I spent time on debugging why builder is not using most recent version of code. It …
scala - How to skip whitespace but use it as a token delimeter ... › questions
It will skip whitespace before each letter and, even worse, each empty string for good measure (since anyChar* can be empty).
Scalastyle: Implemented Rules › rules-0
org.scalastyle.scalariform.EnsureSingleSpaceAfterTokenChecker - Ensure single space after certain token(s) id -; description - Ensure single space after certain token(s) class - org.scalastyle.scalariform.EnsureSingleSpaceAfterTokenChecker; default level - WarningLevel; Justification. Correct formatting can help readability.
scala - How to skip whitespace but use it as a token ... › questions › 20793058
Dec 27, 2013 · If I turn on skipWhitespace the parser is greedily joining tokens together when the next token matches the regular expression of the previous one. If I turn off skipWhitespace, on the other hand, it complains because of the spaces not being part of the definition. I am trying to match the BNF as much as possible, and given that whitespace is almost always the delimeter (apart from brackets or some other cases where the delimeter is explicitly defined in the BNF), is there away to avoid ...
Optional Braces - Scala 3 - EPFL › docs › indentation
In a brace-delimited region, no statement is allowed to start to the left of the first statement after the opening brace that starts a new line.
IntelliJ Bug: Scala 145, Error:scalac: Scala compiler JARs not found
VerkkoYes, this works. In my case, I had scala 2.12.1 and I wasn't able to use it on my home notebook. Ok. So I reinstalled the plugin and also, I had to download the Scala SDK …