Using Gradle Plugins › current › userguideThere are two general types of plugins in Gradle, binary plugins and script plugins. Binary plugins are written either programmatically by implementing Plugin interface or declaratively using one of Gradle’s DSL languages. Binary plugins can reside within a build script, within the project hierarchy or externally in a plugin jar.
Gradle - Plugins › searchNov 7, 2018 · Plugin Latest Version; com.github.alisiikh.scalastyle Gradle plugin for scalastyle. #scalastyle #scala #code analysis #checkstyle 3.4.1 (08 July 2020) com.github.alisiikh.scalastyle_2.12 Gradle plugin for scalastyle 2.12. #scalastyle #scala #formatter #checkstyle 2.1.0 (07 November 2018) com.github.alisiikh.scalastyle_2.11 Gradle plugin for scalastyle 2.11
Scalastyle - Scala style checker
www.scalastyle.orgScalastyle examines your Scala code and indicates potential problems with it. If you have come across Checkstyle for Java, then you’ll have a good idea what scalastyle is. Except that it’s for Scala obviously. Scalastyle is used as part of the grading framework for the course Functional Programming Principles in Scala by Martin Odersky on Coursera.