Find your Saturn Sign in Astrology: Tables | Cafe Astrology .com is in Aries from Apr 7, 1996, 4:48:53 am EDT until Jun 9, 1998, 2:06:59 am EDT. Saturn is in Aries from Oct 25, 1998, 1:40:33 pm EST until Feb 28, 1999, 8:25:47 pm EST. Saturn is in Aries from May 24, 2025, 10:35:31 pm …
Saturn in Astrology, Zodiac | Cafe Astrology .com › saturnSaturn takes approximately 2 to 2-1/2 years to transit one sign, and approximately 27-29 years to travel through all twelve signs. Saturn is in its exaltation in the sign of Libra; it’s in its fall in the sign of Aries (opposite the sign of its exaltation); and Saturn is in its detriment in the sign of Cancer (opposite the ruling sign of Capricorn). Note that Saturn traditionally also ruled the sign of Aquarius.
Saturn in Astrology - Meaning, Signs and Birth Chart ... › en › saturn-astrologySaturn in Signs of the Air Element - limits ease of communication, intimacy and emotional attachment to others through slow thought processes and a tendency toward objectivity or unconventional viewpoints. Saturn in Astrology - Astral Map Arrangement. When Saturn is well positioned in the astral map the mood is reserved, concentrated and available. When it is poorly positioned, it is stubborn, suspicious, intriguing and pedagogical.
Meaning of Saturn in Astrology › astrology › meaning-ofApr 25, 2020 · Saturn is all about stiffness and rigidity, concentrated energy and the solid state of matter. In the natal chart, Saturn is the urge for stability and safety. Knowing this, it is no surprise that Saturn rules an earth sign. Saturn is the planetary ruler of Capricorn, a sign known as ambitious, hard-working and persistent.
Saturn Dominant Planet in the Birth Chart ... - Astrology › saturn-dominant-planetAug 17, 2020 · In astrology, Saturn represents. time, structure, hierarchy, authority figures; the government; old age; winter, cold, freeze, scarcity. discipline; responsibility; Limitations, restrictions, blockages, hardships are also connected with Saturn. Saturn often delays, however, it doesn’t deny. In the birth chart, Saturn shows where you have life lessons to learn. The house of Saturn shows the life area and the sign the qualities you are supposed to master in this lifetime.