Astrology For Today - The Planets Today › astrologyAstrology is a very wide subject with many many layers of interpretation required to understand all the meanings provided by a persons natal chart (where all the planets were at their precise time of birth) in conjunction with the positions of the planets today, or at a time of importance for that person.
Planets – Saturn | › planets › saturnApr 10, 2022 · Saturn: The Planet of Karma. Saturn doesn’t make things easy. That’s the role of the taskmaster of the zodiac. Saturn commands us to get to work and to work hard. Discipline and responsibility are important to this planet, yet if we’re eager to conquer the world, that’s okay, too. Much like Father Time, Saturn implores us to look at the ...
Today in Astrology - Astrology Cafe · Today’s transits improve communicating and connecting, dear Virgo. There is wisdom in your approach. Also today, Mars enters your partnership sector for a stay until May 24th, animating your close relationships. In fact, your relationships can be an area of much excitement and perhaps some commotion in the weeks ahead.
Planets – Saturn | · Saturn: The Planet of Karma. Saturn doesn’t make things easy. That’s the role of the taskmaster of the zodiac. Saturn commands us to get to work and to work hard. Discipline and responsibility are important to this planet, yet if we’re eager to conquer the world, that’s okay, too. Much like Father Time, Saturn implores us to look at the ...
April 16, 2022 Planetary Positions - Sidereal Zodiac for ... › ... › Planetary Positions... Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, Uranus, ... It lists current position of all planets according to Vedic Astrology which uses ...
Where is Your Saturn? – The Saturn Sisters Saturn is in Aries and your Saturn Return was approximately from . . . March 4, 1967 to April 29, 1969 or April 8, 1996 to June 9, 1998 or October 26, 1998 to February 28, 1999. Read Chapter One, Persona. If you were born between . . . March 21, 1940 to May 8, 1942 or April 30, 1969 to June 18, 1971 or January 11, 1972 to February 21, 1972
Saturn in Astrology, Zodiac | Cafe Astrology .com › saturnSaturn takes approximately 2 to 2-1/2 years to transit one sign, and approximately 27-29 years to travel through all twelve signs. Saturn is in its exaltation in the sign of Libra; it’s in its fall in the sign of Aries (opposite the sign of its exaltation); and Saturn is in its detriment in the sign of Cancer (opposite the ruling sign of Capricorn). Note that Saturn traditionally also ruled the sign of Aquarius.
Saturn in Astrology, Zodiac | Cafe Astrology .com Saturn , is the ruler of Capricorn. In Greek Mythology, Cronus was one of the Titans, and the father of Zeus. Cronus ate his children to prevent himself from being dethroned as the King of the Gods. That is, until his wife, Rhea, tricked him into swallowing a stone when Zeus was born. In astrology, Saturn is associated with restriction ...