QTermWidget - KDE Store
store.kde.org › p › 1132195Description: QT4 widget for terminal emulation. It is based on KDE4 Konsole code, which was rewritten entirely, and now it requires QT4 only (no KDE at all). Package provides the widget library and a sample application. The best way to get actual source code for QTermWidget is to use CVS (see project page). File releases can be seriously outdated.
GitHub - lxqt/qterminal: A lightweight Qt-based terminal emulator
github.com › lxqt › qterminalNov 18, 2020 · QTerminal is a lightweight Qt terminal emulator based on QTermWidget. It is maintained by the LXQt project but can be used independently from this desktop environment. The only bonds are lxqt-build-tools representing a build dependency. This project is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 or any later version. See the LICENSE file for the full text of the license.
c++ - Compiling QTermWidget - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 43925133May 12, 2017 · 1. I've tried to compile this custom QT widget to provide a terminal that I can embed into my application. I've compiled/installed the build tools for the program that I needed before Cmake would complete, but the make step is throwing errors that google hasn't been too helpful on: [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/qtermwidget5.dir/lib/kpty.cpp.o /Users/a7c/qtermwidget/qtermwidget-master/lib/kpty.cpp:506:26: error: no member named 'ut_name' in 'utmpx' strncpy (l_struct.ut_name, user ...