GitHub - lxqt/qterminal: A lightweight Qt-based terminal emulator › lxqt › qterminalNov 18, 2020 · QTerminal is a lightweight Qt terminal emulator based on QTermWidget. It is maintained by the LXQt project but can be used independently from this desktop environment. The only bonds are lxqt-build-tools representing a build dependency. This project is licensed under the terms of the GPLv2 or any later version. See the LICENSE file for the full text of the license.
Embedded Console in Qt GUI | Qt Forum › topic › 6468Jun 7, 2011 · Hi, I'm a relatively new Qt user and would like a bit of advice. I'm working on a C++ Qt program where it would be useful for "advanced" users to have access to a terminal or console window embedded in the GUI itself. Is there a stock widget that models the behaviour of a console window (Captures input and can display output messages)?
Terminal Example | Qt Serial Port 6.4.2 › qt-6 › qtserialport-terminal-exampleMainWindow (terminal/mainwindow.cpp) - is the main application window that contains all the working logic for the serial port programming, including configuration, I/O processing and so forth, while inheriting the QMainWindow. Console (terminal/console.cpp) - is the central widget of the main window, displaying the transmitted or received data. The widget is derived from the QPlainTextEdit class.
console - Qt Creator: Run in Terminal - Stack Overflow › questions › 3255035Qt Creator: Run in Terminal. Ask Question. Asked 12 years, 6 months ago. Modified 5 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 49k times. 13. I want to get full console functionality running the program in Qt Creator, the same problem as described here: Console input with Qt Creator. When I check "Run in Terminal" in configuration properties, empty terminal window is opened, without my program output.