Wound VAC Cost - In 2022 - The Pricer
www.thepricer.org › wound-vac-costJun 14, 2021 · A wound VAC will usually cost around $30,000 if you were to purchase one, but this is rather rare since most people will only rent this device during their recovery period. If you are more interested in renting one, you should know that the price will usually be anywhere from $100 to $250 per day or close to $2,500+ per week.
The Wound Vac Company | The Wound Vac Company
thewoundvaccompany.comwound vac Products. We are one of the only companies in the country to offer sales and rentals of wound vacs and wound care products directly to surgeons, hospice teams, skilled nursing facilities, veterinarians and medical equipment suppliers. We are a Master Distributor for Pensar Medical, makers of the WoundPro® Control Unit and the ...