Wound VAC Cost - in 2022 - The Pricer
https://www.thepricer.org/wound-vac-cost14.6.2021 · A wound VAC will usually cost around $30,000 if you were to purchase one, but this is rather rare since most people will only rent this device during their recovery period. If you are more interested in renting one, you should know that the price will usually be anywhere from $100 to $250 per day or close to $2,500+ per week.
V.A.C.® Therapy Dressings
www.mykci.com › vac-therapy-dressingsThe only silver dressing specifically engineered for the V.A.C.® Therapy Systems, the V.A.C.® GRANUFOAM SILVER™ Dressing combines the benefits of V.A.C.® GRANUFOAM™ Dressings technology and micro-bonded metallic silver. It allows the dressing pores to come in direct contact with the wound, eliminating the need for additional silver ...