pegasos tuki tampere - Srch-hakukone › pegasos-tuki-tampereHankkeen tavoitteena on ollut löytää Pegasos-potilastietojärjestelmän parhaimmat ominaisuudet ja tehokkaimmat tavat käyttää niitä. Lisätietoja. Alue-Pegasos-hanke. Hallintoylilääkäri, palvelujohtaja. Arto Lemmetty. Puhelin 040 806 3669. Sähköpostipuhelin arto.lemmetty (at) Valkeakosken kaupunki. Johtava ylilääkäri.
Pegasos Swiss Association
pegasos-association.comWelcome to Pegasos. Pegasos Swiss Association is a voluntary assisted dying (VAD) organization based in Basel, Switzerland. Pegasos believes that it is the human right of every rational adult of sound mind, regardless of state of health, to choose the manner and timing of their death.
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Welcome to Pegasos – Pegasos Swiss Association › welcomeWelcome to Pegasos. Established in August 2019, Pegasos is a Swiss voluntary assisted dying (VAD) association based in Basel, Switzerland. Pegasos offers an assisted dying service to approved adults of sound mind, regardless of their country of origin/ residence. Pegasos enables a person to receive a peaceful, dignified and caring assisted death at their clinic in Basel.