springs and springmaker - OpenSCAD library by Parkinbot ...
www.thingiverse.com › thing:3252637Inventors need springs! I posted a first OpenSCAD library - Springs, helicoils, elliptic rings some years ago, but it renders quite slow, as the implementation is based on a programming technique that uses a union of slices along a trajectory - and a large number of unions can take hours in OpenSCAD. Looking around in thingiverse I found this wonderful idea for a Device to produce PLA springs ...
Crossed Helical Gears in OpenSCAD | Hackaday.io
https://hackaday.io/project/16395318.2.2019 · The second half was to implement this type of gearing in OpenSCAD. As I mentioned before, I had been using Greg Frost's library for my bevel gears. That library supported helical gears, but the twist parameter did not at all correspond to the so called "helix angle" you need to get them to mate two gears together in the crossed configuration.
OpenSCAD - Documentation
openscad.org › documentationChapter 1: A few words about OpenSCAD and getting started with the first object. Chapter 2: Scaling the model and first steps for parameterizing models. Chapter 3: Resizing models and more ways of combining objects. Chapter 4: Introducing modules to organize the code. Chapter 5: Using multiple scripts and libraries.
OpenScad Spring Winder. by ckirby - Thingiverse
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:88569This thing is designed to make small torsion springs with music wire of about 1mm in diameter. Similar commercial spring winders can be prohibitively expensive if you just need to make a few springs. With this design, you just need a piece of steel rod for a mandrel, some music wire, and you're set. Updated 5/16/13: improved geometry Directions: Drill/ream out the holes in the base …
OpenScad Spring Winder. by ckirby - Thingiverse
www.thingiverse.com › thing:88569This thing is designed to make small torsion springs with music wire of about 1mm in diameter. Similar commercial spring winders can be prohibitively expensive if you just need to make a few springs. With this design, you just need a piece of steel rod for a mandrel, some music wire, and you're set. Updated 5/16/13: improved geometry Directions: Drill/ream out the holes in the base and the ...
OpenSCAD - coil spring
forum.openscad.org › coil-spring-td7467Mar 22, 2014 · I found the reason is that the generated Makefile tries to link for both 32bit and 64bit. I've rebased my loft branch against the unstable branch that will be the base for the next release. For me the build problem is fixed there (by building 64bit version only), so if you throw away your local loft branch and fetch the new one from github it s
OpenSCAD - Libraries
openscad.org › librariesOpenSCAD Function Plotting Library. This is a general purpose function plotting library for OpenSCAD which will render functions with Cartesian coordinates (x & y input, z output), polar/cylindrical coordinates (r & angle input, z output), or axial coordinates (z & angle input, r output). This library is sufficiently flexible that it can be ...
OpenSCAD - Documentation
https://openscad.org/documentation.htmlChapter 1: A few words about OpenSCAD and getting started with the first object. Chapter 2: Scaling the model and first steps for parameterizing models. Chapter 3: Resizing models and more ways of combining objects. Chapter 4: Introducing modules to organize the code. Chapter 5: Using multiple scripts and libraries.