openSCAD is very slow with this code : openscad - Reddit › r › openscadYep, it's very slow. You use nested loops, but 20*20 is still only 400, so that shouldn't be the issue. None of the usual culprits (such as minkowski ()...) is there, so it's hard to say. I strongly suspect the difference () at the top of lamp (), try , just as an experiment, to change that to a union, just to see if it makes a speed difference ...
Question: How to improve preview speed? #1656 - GitHub › openscad › openscadJun 1, 2016 · I apologize if this has been asked before, but I've been searching around and haven't found a solution. When I open a semi-large model in openscad (Cyclone PCB for example), the preview mode is unusably slow. If I try to use the mouse to view from a different angle, it takes several seconds to actually move and I'm on a fairly powerful desktop PC.