Microsoft Office 365 Services | Aalto University › en › servicesMicrosoft Office 365 Services Aalto students and employees can use the Microsoft Office 365 services (includes OneDrive, Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) on their work and home devices. Scroll down to see the list of available applications and their installation. Use applications online or install them:
Aalto cloud email | Aalto University › en › cloud-emailHere are the instructions on how to read email on mobile phone, how to bring Aalto staff’s contacts to your mobile phone and what software to read email. Aalto switched to cloud email (Microsoft 365) during the year 2021: Aalto University is moving to cloud e-mail | Aalto University. The phone's e-mail application must be Outlook mobile and the webmail address is (login with Aalto email address).
Office 365 login for free with online versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. Save documents, spreadsheets, and presentations online, in OneDrive.
Aalto University
https://o365.aalto.fiAalto University. Sign in with your organizational account. User Account. Password. Keep me signed in. Sign in. More information on Office 365 in ...
Microsoft Office 365 Palvelut | Aalto-yliopisto › fi › palvelutAalto-yliopiston opiskelijat ja työntekijät saavat maksutta käyttöönsä Microsoftin Office 365 -ohjelmat (mm. Word, Excel ja PowerPoint) omille laitteille (tietokone, tablet ja älypuhelin) Microsoft Office ProPlus -ohjelman myötä (opiskelijoiden osalta kulkee myös nimellä Student Advantage). Palvelut Microsoft Teams: Pikaopas