MyCourses: MyCourses - Aalto › myMyCourses - Instructions for Teachers - Teacher book your online session with a specialist - Digital tools for teaching - Personal data protection instructions for teachers - Instructions for Students - Workspace for thesis supervision Sisu Into portal for students Library Services - Resourcesguides - Imagoa / Open science and images IT Services Campus maps - Search spaces and see opening hours Restaurants in Otaniemi ASU Aalto Student Union Aalto Marketplace
Home - Aalto courses › coursesWelcome to the new This catalogue contains active degree-level teaching of Aalto University. For course offerings without active teaching, and for historical data, please use the SISU course search. Home - Aalto courses Schools School of ELEC School of SCI School of CHEM School of ENG School of ARTS School of BIZ
MyCourses digital learning environment | Aalto University › en › servicesMyCourses is the learning environment for Aalto University courses. With MyCourses, teachers can share course material, resources and other content. A teacher can set up and grade assignments, quizzes and workshops. MyCourses also provides tools for collaboration and interaction with students. MyCourses interface before logging in Key features
MyCourses - Aalto
mycourses.aalto.fiMyCourses MyCourses Login as Aalto user More information about Aalto Accounts and passwords For Aalto University Open University students Aalto account and systems information If your organization is a member of HAKA federation, you can use HAKA-login. Aalto News 100 years since the first professors of business administration started their work