Library | University of Northampton › about-us › services-andLibrary. > Services and facilities. Library and Learning Services (LLS) consists of the University Library, Learning Technology and Learning and Teaching Enhancement teams. The Library provides access to print, online and multimedia resources, including University generated research output, adaptable and IT rich learning environments, including silent and group study spaces, and expert help and support in finding and managing information.
Application | University of Northampton › student-life › stepping-intoThe Northampton Employment Promise is our commitment to you that if you haven’t found full time employment 12 months after graduating, you will be provided with a short-term paid internship or supported into further study. Our employment offer is in place to give you the best chance of finding graduate employment, but we accept life doesn’t always go to plan and our promise is here to provide an extra level of support.
University of Northampton CHANGEMAKER UNIVERSITY. Our mission is to transform lives and inspire change, with a unique commitment to social impact. We aim to ensure your time at University is fulfilling, satisfying and enjoyable. With exciting, industry-relevant courses, passionate lecturers, and a new campus. Our face-to-face teaching is enhanced by the latest developments in technology to give our students flexibility in the way they learn.