Login - University of Northampton
selfservice.northampton.ac.uk › secure › loginCreate an account or from the options below. Please make a note of your account details as you will need these when logging in again. If you need help with your initial application please contact admissions2021@northampton.ac.uk. Once you have a User account you should continue to use the email address and password you have setup.
UONL Services
https://uonl.org › vleLogin with your seven digit Student Code e.g. 7XXXXXX. UoNL_Partnership_Logo. UONL is a proud partner of the University of Northampton (UON).
University of Northampton
www.northampton.ac.ukTHE CHANGEMAKER UNIVERSITY. Our mission is to transform lives and inspire change, with a unique commitment to social impact. We aim to ensure your time at University is fulfilling, satisfying and enjoyable. With exciting, industry-relevant courses, passionate lecturers, and a new campus. Our face-to-face teaching is enhanced by the latest developments in technology to give our students flexibility in the way they learn.