FAQ - International House Helsinki
ihhelsinki.fi › faqThe IHH service center is located at Lintulahdenkuja 2 D, on the second floor of the building. Our service center is easy to get to by public transportation, bicycle, or car. The nearest bus and tram stop is Haapaniemi. Below are directions on how to reach our service center from the Central Railway Station and Pasila.
Helsinki | Digi- ja väestötietovirasto
https://dvv.fi/helsinkiLintulahdenkuja 2 00530 HELSINKI. 2. kerros. Postiosoite Palveluajat Toistaiseksi asiakaspalvelua saa vain ajanvarauksella. Ma - Pe 9.00 - 16.15 Tiesitkö, että voit hoitaa useimmat asiat nopeimmin sähköisesti? Tutustu sähköisiin palveluihin. Voit …
Contact - International House Helsinki
https://ihhelsinki.fi/contactLintulahdenkuja 2 D, (2nd floor), 00530 Helsinki Show address on a map. Monday–Friday 9:00–16:00 Due to coronavirus, desk services at International House Helsinki are currently offered by appointment only and some services are also available online and over the phone.