International House Helsinki - · International House Helsinki (IHH) tarjoaa suurimman osan maahanmuuttajien tarvitsemista alkuvaiheen palveluista. Palvelu on suunnattu kaikille hiljattain pääkaupunkiseudulle tulleille maahanmuuttajille. IHH palvelee myös yrityksiä ja työnantajia ulkomaiseen työvoimaan ja sen rekrytointiin liittyvissä kysymyksissä.
Home - International House Helsinki
ihhelsinki.fiInternational House Helsinki provides a wide range of information and public authority services to meet the needs of international newcomers in the Helsinki metropolitan area. We also offer free advisory and counselling services to employers on issues related to international workforce. Services General information & guidance Read more
International House Helsinki - · International House Helsinki International House Helsinki (IHH) provides a wide range of information and public authority services to meet the needs of international newcomers in the Helsinki metropolitan area. IHH also offers free advisory and counselling services to employers on issues related to international workforce and recruitment.
About - International House Helsinki › aboutInternational House Helsinki provides a wide range of services, information, and guidance focused on assisting international newcomers in settling in the Helsinki capital area. We also provide advisory and counseling services for companies and employers related to their international employees.
International House Helsinki - › web › enJun 29, 2020 · International House Helsinki International House Helsinki (IHH) provides a wide range of information and public authority services to meet the needs of international newcomers in the Helsinki metropolitan area. IHH also offers free advisory and counselling services to employers on issues related to international workforce and recruitment.
Home - International House Helsinki
https://ihhelsinki.fiInternational House Helsinki provides a wide range of information and public authority services to meet the needs of international newcomers in the Helsinki metropolitan area. We also offer free advisory and counselling services to employers on issues related to international workforce. Services General information & guidance Read more