Language Enabled Airman Program accepting cadet applications › News › Article-DisplayJan 11, 2021 · By Air Force Culture and Language Center Outreach Team. MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. (AFNS) --. The Language Enabled Airman Program is now accepting cadet applications through March 5. LEAP is a career-spanning program aimed to sustain and improve Airmen's language and cultural capabilities. Managed by the Air Force Culture and Language Center, the program seeks to develop cross-culturally competent leaders who can meet Air Force global mission requirements.
Language Enabled Airman Program application window now open › News › DisplayMay 4, 2021 · MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. --. Air Force and Space Force regular active duty officers and enlisted members have until July 16, 2021, to apply online for the Language Enabled Airman Program. LEAP is an Air Force Culture and Language Center -managed volunteer program open to most specialty codes. LEAP deliberately develops language-enabled, cross-cultural Airmen and Guardians with working-level foreign language proficiency.