Defense Language Aptitude Battery - Wikipedia Defense Language Aptitude Battery (DLAB) is a test used by the United States Department of Defense to test an individual's potential for learning a foreign language and thus determining who may pursue training as a military linguist. It consists of 126 multiple-choice questions and the test is scored out of a possible 164 points. The test is composed of five audio sections and one visual section. As of 2009, the test is completely web-based. The test does not attempt to gauge a pers…
Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) - Military Benefits › dlptDec 23, 2022 · The Defense Language Proficiency Test is a function of the Defense Language Institute which is responsible for training military linguists in a variety of non-English languages which have in the past included Urdu, Cantonese, Kurdish, and a variety of others. According to the Defense Language Institute official site, “Most federal government agencies” use the Defense Language Proficiency Test, or DLPT, and something called the Oral Proficiency Interview.
AFCLC Language Studies - Air University › AFCLC › Language-StudiesThe Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) is an Air Force Culture and Language Center (AFCLC) managed, volunteer program open to Active Duty officer and enlisted Airmen and Guardians in most career fields. LEAP deliberately develops language enabled, cross-cultural service members across the General Purpose Force (GPF) with working-level foreign language proficiency.