Who Is LAPSEN | United States | Law and Public Safety Network ...
lapsen.org › who-we-areLAPSEN is the leading national organization supporting these efforts with the focus at the secondary school level. It provides and shares LPSCS career education programs, curriculum, certifications and models that help connect secondary students to work and colleges that are cost-effective and can be used by secondary school instructors, their partners and participating states.
North Carolina | LAPSEN
lapsen.org › north-carolinaIf you are a North Carolina LPS instructor or administrator your LAPSEN membership is already paid for by the state membership. To join follow the steps below. Note: you must have a valid North Carolina address and work for a system in North Carolina. Go to the “Store” link at the top of the page. Click on “Membership” Choose “Individual”
Conference 2022 | LAPSEN
lapsen.org › conference-2022Monday 11/7 all day & Tuesday 11/8 morning session (for some courses) – check the link for more details. All Monday preconference sessions are at Stonecreek. The cost includes lunch on Monday. NFPA 2400 Drones for Law Enforcement. FAA Drone Pilot. FAA Drone Pilot PLUS NFPA 2400. CSI for the Classroom.
lapsen.org › ip11North Carolina IP 11. This is the main resource page for the 2021 revision of IP11 for North Carolina. Certainly all materials are applicable to other states. If you have any questions or find dead links or similar, email info@lapsen.org. We encourage you to submit YOUR lesson plans and resources to share.
lapsen.orgWelcome to the Law and Public Safety Education Network – LAPSEN. We are a national non-profit association representing the career and technical education instructors, administrators and partnering professionals who focus on the Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security (LPSCS) Career Cluster. LAPSEN was founded to help instructors and others make a real difference in students’ lives.