Kalasatama - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › KalasatamaKalasatama ( Swedish: Fiskehamnen; [2] literally translated "fish port") is a neighbourhood in the city of Helsinki, Finland. The area is officially part of the Sörnäinen district; and like Sörnäinen, Kalasatama is located a little more than one kilometre north from the coastal centre of Helsinki, near the district of Hakaniemi, and the east side of Kalasatama borders the sea.
Ajankohtaista | Helsingin kaupunki
www.hel.fi › sote › toimipisteet-fiNov 01, 2021 · päivystys klo 16:n jälkeen Malmilla ja Meilahdessa (Haartmanin sairaalassa) sekä alle 16-vuotiaille Uudessa lastensairaalassa. Ota yhteyttä sähköisesti (omaolo.fi tai maisa.fi), soita terveysaseman ajanvaraukseen (p. 09 310 50333) tai tule paikan päälle arkisin klo 8–16.
Kalasatama | Uutta Helsinkiä
www.uuttahelsinkia.fi › en › kalasatamaFeb 18, 2021 · Kalasatama is being built by the sea, in the eastern part of the inner city. Kalasatama is one of the largest new areas being built in Helsinki, and construction is expected to last until the late 2030s. The former port and industrial area has already turned into a district of more than 5,000 people and thousands of new jobs. The 170-hectare shore area in the eastern part of the inner city will turn into a home for more than 25,000 residents and a place for more than 10,000 jobs.