Valentin Fheodoroff – Organist
valentinfheodoroff.comBorn into a family of musicians based in Vienna, my love for classical music as a child led me to start playing the piano at the age of five. Although I have always been equally interested in all kinds of classical music — from the symphonic repertoire to opera, chamber music and lied —, the piano became my main instrument… until 2010, when I discovered the organ for myself, which ...
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Feodoroff Jukka - BusinessOulu
Jukka Feodoroff palvelupäällikkö, tuet ja maksatus 040 612 7886 Näytä kaikki yhteystiedot. BusinessOulu Hallituskatu 36 A 90100 Oulu; PL 22, 90015 Oulun kaupunki (08) 558 558 10 Puhelun hinta: mpm/pvm;;