BusinessOulu - Facebook › BusinessOuluBusinessOulu. 3,528 likes · 103 talking about this. BusinessOulu edistää yrittäjyyttä, kasvua, kilpailukykyä ja työllisyyttä Oulun seudulla. Välitämme myös tietoa Oulun elinkeinoelämästä ja tapahtumista. BusinessOulu
Frontpage - BusinessOulu › enOULU IS GROWING AND DEVELOPING. We support our growing companies in creating jobs, promoting export, refining competences and developing different lines of business. Boosting competences calls for the right kind of attitude on your part – the courage and assertive attitude Oulu is renowned for.
Oulu - Business Finland › ouluOulu combines Northern hospitality, nature and culture with modern technology. Solid innovation expertise and a dynamic operational environment in Arctic Europe’s fastest growing city attract startups and large international companies alike to Oulu. There’s plenty of work in the Oulu region for technology industry professionals, whether it’s developing pioneering technology for use in devices and applications all over the world, building information system solutions for future health ...
BusinessOulu | Company database › en › businessouluBusinessOulu, a public utility of the City of Oulu, is responsible for implementing the city’s industry and employment policies by promoting activities for enterprise, employment and business in the region according to the principles agreed on by the City Board. The business policy of the City of Oulu aims at providing the companies and entrepreneurship with an operating environment that promotes the creation, operation, growth and competitiveness of companies, along with regional employment.
Business - Mun Oulu · My Oulu: Zestii Kitchen is a business opportunity for home cooks: pop up restaurant opens at Lumo light festival . Julkaistu: 17.11.2021 . Paikallisesta urheiluseurasta potkua työuralle …
Business in Oulu – innovations, investments, and companies › en › businessOulu is the most rapidly growing urban region in Arctic Europe. Every day, close to 3 billion people are using wireless technology that has been evolving in Oulu for 50 years. This technology is still being developed right here by new generations of world-class talent, year after year and day after day. Expertise in ICT, world-class education, and unique co-creation serve as fuel for innovation and business in the region on a wide spectrum.