Haku sanakirjasta: johannes - Ratkojat
https://www.ratkojat.fi › ryhmittele › johannesjohannes. 1/4, aavik, alanen, alfthan, apostoli, askolin, brahms, brotherus, bysantin keisari, etunimi, evankelista, haapasalo, hedwig, heesters, ...
Home | Freedom Tour 2023
www.johannes-live.comFollowing his sell-out debut tour in 2022, TV dancing sensation and international champion JOHANNES RADEBE is hosting a party like no others in this electrifying brand-new production for 2023. FREEDOM UNLEASHED sees the ‘Irresistible’ Johannes joined by a diverse, world-class cast of talented dancers and singers in this melting pot of South ...
Johannes Kepler | Biography, Discoveries, & Facts | Britannica
www.britannica.com › biography › Johannes-KeplerDec 27, 2012 · Johannes Kepler, (born December 27, 1571, Weil der Stadt, Württemberg [Germany]—died November 15, 1630, Regensburg), German astronomer who discovered three major laws of planetary motion, conventionally designated as follows: (1) the planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus; (2) the time necessary to traverse any arc of a planetary orbit is proportional to the area of the ...
Johannes (evankelista) – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_(evankelista)Johannes Sebedeuksen poika (tunnetaan myös erityisesti ortodoksisessa kirkossa nimellä Johannes Teologi, n. 6 jaa. – n. 100; lat. Iōannēs, kreik. Ιωάννης, Ioánnis) oli Uuden Testamentin mukaan yksi Jeesuksen kahdestatoista apostolista ja Jaakob vanhemman veli. Yhdessä heitä kutsuttiin Sebedeuksen pojiksi, ja Markuksen evankeliumin mukaan Jeesus antoi heille nimen Boanerg…
Johannes - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › JohannesJohannes is a Medieval Latin form of the personal name that usually appears as "John" in English language contexts. It is a variant of the Greek and Classical Latin variants (Ιωάννης, Ioannes ), itself derived from the Hebrew name Yehochanan, meaning " Yahweh is gracious". The name became popular in Northern Europe, especially in Germany ...
Johannes Gutenberg | Printing Press, Inventions, Facts ...
www.britannica.com › biography › Johannes-GutenbergAug 26, 2022 · Johannes Gutenberg, in full Johann Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg, (born 14th century, Mainz [Germany]—died probably February 3, 1468, Mainz), German craftsman and inventor who originated a method of printing from movable type. Elements of his invention are thought to have included a metal alloy that could melt readily and cool quickly to form durable reusable type, an oil-based ink ...
Johannes (Viipurin lääni) – Wikipedia
https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johannes_(Viipurin_lääni)Johannes (ruots. S:t Johannes, ent. Kakin kappeli, ruots. Kackis Kapell) on entinen Suomen kunta Karjalankannaksella, Neuvostoliitolle 1944 luovutetulla alueella. Se sijaitsi Viipurinlahden itärannalla Viipurin ja Koiviston välissä. Johannes eriytettiin Viipurista vuonna 1859, jolloin pitäjästä alettiin käyttää Johannes-nimeä. Johanneksen pinta-ala oli 217,6 km² ja asukasluku 10 303 (1…
Johannes Kepler: His Life, His Laws and Times | NASA
www.nasa.gov › kepler › educationJohannes Kepler was born about 1 PM on December 27, 1571, in Weil der Stadt, Württemberg, in the Holy Roman Empire of German Nationality. He was a sickly child and his parents were poor. But his evident intelligence earned him a scholarship to the University of Tübingen to study for the Lutheran ministry. There he was introduced to the ideas ...