Nikolaus "Klaus" Barbie (25 October 1913 – 25 September 1991) was a German operative of the SS and SD who worked in Vichy France during World War II. He became known as the " Butcher of Lyon " for having personally …
rat-a-tat , rat-a-tat-tat 1 n Rattern the continual rat-a-tat of machine-gun fire das kontinuerliche Rattern von Maschinengewehren 2 adv ratternd rat-catcher n Rattenfänger(in) m(f) rat-catching …
Summary of German umlaut pronunciation. In summary, the three German umlauts are pronounced as follows: Ä – make the sound “eh” or “ê” without gliding into the sound “ey”; Ö – make the sound “ê” and purse your lips into an O shape; Ü – make the sound “ee” and then purse your lips as if you are whistling;
ratkojat translation in English - German Reverso dictionary, see also 'ratio',ratiocinate',rationalist',rationality', examples, definition, conjugation
Trustly partners with Wizz Air to bring innovation to airline payments. Stockholm, Sweden, August 15, 2022 – Trustly, the leading global payments platform for digital account-to-account …
Rat (für etw) wissen to know what to do (about sth) Rat schaffen liter to show what is to be done. sie wusste sich ($) keinen Rat mehr dat she was at her wits' end. sich ($) keinen Rat mit etw …
Mertens Mertens ( Dutch pronunciation: [ˈmɛrtə (n)s]) is a surname of Flemish Origin, meaning "son of Merten" ( Martin ). It is the fifth most common name in Belgium with 18,518 people in …