Indie rock - Wikipedia › wiki › Indie_rockDuring the decade, indie rock bands like Sonic Youth, the Pixies and Radiohead all released albums on major labels and subgenres like slowcore, Midwest emo, slacker rock and space rock began. In the 2000s, indie rock reentered the mainstream through the garage rock and post-punk revival and the influence of the Strokes and the Libertines.
Indie rock music | › tag › indie+rockIndie rock is a vague term used to identify rock artists that are or were unsigned, or have signed to small record labels, rather than major record labels. It may also describe artists which have a specific "sound", and is therefore a genre, although this label is contested by many. View wiki Top Artists Arctic Monkeys 5,152,077 listeners
Top indie rock artists | › tag › indie+rock1. A popular indie band from London, England 2. A singer from Belgium 3. A rock band… The Kills 1,268,353 listeners The Kills is an alternative rock duo formed by American vocalist Alison "VV" Mosshart and British guitarist Jamie "Hotel" Hince that rose to public… The Vaccines 1,169,756 listeners
Indie rock – Wikipedia rock (myös indie-rock ja indierock) on vaihtoehtorockin alalaji, jota edustaa joukko pieniä yhtyeitä, jotka julkaisevat materiaaliaan usein joko pienillä ja riippumattomilla levy-yhtiöillä tai omakustanteina. Nykyisin termiä käytetään yhä väljemmin ja laajenevassa mittakaavassa, ja jopa erittäin menestyneiden ja suurille kansainvälisille levy-yhtiöille siirtyneitä artist…