Indiepop – Wikipedia Ej att förväxla med indisk popmusik. Belle & Sebastian Indiepop är ett slags popmusik, där indie är en förkortning av independent. Benämningen kommer från Storbritannien där mängden små, oberoende independentbolag växte upp som svampar ur jorden under och efter punk - och reggaeåren på 1970-talet.
Indie pop – Wikipedia pop (tai indie-pop) on popmusiikin tyylilaji. Indie on lyhennetty sanasta independent eli itsenäinen. Tyyli on saanut alkunsa Isossa-Britanniassa 1980-luvun puolivälissä. Nimi viittaa siihen, että useimmat yhtyeistä äänittivät musiikkiaan itsenäisissä levy-yhtiöissä. Musiikillisesti sen ominaispiirteitä ovat rämisevät kitarat ja vaikutteet 1960-luvun popista.
Indie pop - Wikipedia › wiki › Indie_popIndie pop (also typeset as indie-pop or indiepop) is a music genre and subculture that combines guitar pop with DIY ethic in opposition to the style and tone of mainstream pop music. It originated from British post-punk [4] in the late 1970s and subsequently generated a thriving fanzine , label , and club and gig circuit.
Indie pop - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre indie pop es un derivado del pop cuyas melodías suelen ser más suaves, melódicas y menos ruidosas con respecto al indie rock y otros estilos relacionados. El indie pop es la música pop que se mueve fuera de los límites de la música pop convencional. Es a menudo lo-fi, o por lo menos «inusual». Índice 1 Historia 1.1 Raíces 1.2 Indie pop británico
Indie pop music - › tag › indie+popIndie pop is a genre of alternative rock music that originated in the United Kingdom in the mid 19 80s, with its roots in the Scottish post-punk bands on the Postcard Records label in the early '80s such as Orange Juice and Josef K and the dominant UK independent band of the mid eighties,… read more Top Artists Belle and Sebastian
indie-pop.comA Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter and producer, Shoffy specializes in smooth, electro-R&B jams that flirt with indie pop and downtempo. Working out of his home studio, and providing all the instrumentation himself, Shoffy debuted big in 2016 with the viral hit "Takes My Body Higher."
Indie pop - Wikipedia pop (also typeset as indie-pop or indiepop) is a music genre and subculture that combines guitar pop with DIY ethic in opposition to the style and tone of mainstream pop music. It originated from British post-punk in the late 1970s and subsequently generated a thriving fanzine, label, and club and
Indie pop - Wikipedia' indie pop è un genere musicale di alternative rock e pop rock nato nel regno unito verso la metà degli anni ottanta, contemporaneamente all'esplosione del movimento post punk (ma comunque ispirato dall'etica diy del punk '77 ), che sta ad identificare un indie rock più melodico, meno rumoroso, e con una maggiore enfasi sulle armonie, gli …