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Hekla | Guide to Iceland
guidetoiceland.is › travel-iceland › driveHekla is located in the south of Iceland, just north of the country’s most famous volcano, Eyjafjallajökull, which last erupted in 2010, causing planes to be grounded and reporters to be tongue-tied for weeks. A dominant peak, standing at 1,491 metres tall (4,892 feet), it can be seen for miles around. Hekla is part of a 40 kilometre (25 ...
Hekla | volcano, Iceland | Britannica
www.britannica.com › place › HeklaHekla, active volcano, southern Iceland, lying within the country’s East Volcanic Zone. It is Iceland’s most active and best-known volcano. The volcano is characterized by a 3.4-mile- (5.5-km-) long fissure called Heklugjá, which is active along its entire length during major eruptions. Lava flows issuing from this fissure have contributed to the volcano’s elongated shape. Hekla stands ...