VerkkoFCE Speaking Part 2 Candidates are expected to point out similarities and differences between the photographs and then move on to deal with the question, answering it with …
Feb 1, 2022 · FCE Speaking: Part 2 - Topic 2 You have to speak for I minute without interruption. The examiner will give you two photographs and you have to compare and contrast them as well as talk about your reaction to them.
VerkkoFCE speaking part 2 - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. FCE speaking part 2 practice
• Review the format and focus of Part 2 of the Speaking paper. • Revise useful vocabulary for organising and expressing your ideas. • Practise doing a Speaking Part 2 task. • Watch a real example of two students doing a Speaking Part 2 task.
1. FCE speaking part 2; 2. Scan the picture and identify the topic: Sometimes there is a title or sentence thathelps you 3. EXAMPLE:In this worksheet there …
Review the format and focus of Part 2 of the Speaking paper. • Revise useful vocabulary for organising and expressing your ideas. • Practise doing a Speaking ...
Feb 24, 2020 · Speaking Part 2 of the B2 first, formally known as the FCE, is called the long turn. This is the candidates opportunity to give a monologue and show how they can organize their speech. This is evaluated in the Discourse Management part of the evaluation scale.
FCE Speaking Part 2 Examples. Here you will find speaking cards for FCE Speaking Part 2 (pictures comparison) with answers and useful phrases. You can print them or save in PDF. Check our FCE Speaking Part 2 Tips to know how to get better score! Sample answers are written in italics. #1.
The FCE part 2 speaking exam focuses on your ability to compare two picture and also your ability to be coherent when you're speaking by yourself for a ...
VerkkoPractise with these First Speaking Part 2 pictures. Either use them from the website or download the pdf to practise, print or display. If doing it with a class, don’t be strict about the time limit with the first set of pictures, …
VerkkoReview the format and focus of Part 2 of the Speaking paper. Revise useful vocabulary for organising and expressing your ideas. Practise doing a Speaking Part 2 task. Watch a …
In part 2 of the First (FCE) Speaking Exam you will be asked to compare two pictures and to answer a question about those pictures. You have one minute to ...
Cambridge B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 2 Introduction The FCE speaking paper is one of the more interesting exams compared to others like IELTS. In the FCE exam you get varied tasks to do, which means that you have to be prepared for many different topics and to speak under different requirements in each of those tasks.
VerkkoPAPER 5: SPEAKING Parts 1 and 2. PAPER 5: SPEAKING Part 2. PAPER 5: SPEAKING Parts 3 and 4 . Assessment Throughout the test candidates are assessed on their own …