Sharpen your Cambridge B2 First Speaking Part 2 skills so you can excel at this tricky part of the exam. Lists of pictures, questions and sample answers.
VerkkoPart two of the Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking test is called the 'Long Turn' because you and student B take turns to give long speeches. You get two colour photos. You …
Dec 4, 2022 · Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) B2 (FCE): What’s in Part 2? The examiner give you two photographs and asks you to talk about them. You have to speak for 1 minute without interruption and the interlocutor then asks the other candidate to comment on your photographs for about 30 seconds.
FCE Speaking Part 2 ... Track from Ready for FCE - St's Book (Macmillan)Photographs from Ready for FCE - St's Book (Macmillan)Power Point Presentation created by ...
VerkkoSpeaking Part 2 Exercise 1 is our first exercise for the B2 First Speaking Test Part 2. You compare two photos on your own for about a minute and then your partner will …
VerkkoB2- Speaking part 2 Practice (II) This PowerPoint includes practice for part 2 (level: Upper-intermediate: B2) Students look at the pictures and then, they…
You get two colour photos. You have to talk about them on your own for a minute. When you finish, the examiner asks the other student (student B) a question ...
VerkkoSharpen your Cambridge B2 First Speaking Part 2 skills so you can excel at this tricky part of the exam. Lists of pictures, questions and sample answers. Practice using many pictures and questions.
In FCE Speaking Part 2, you’ll see pictures connected to a variety of topics which are considered standard at B2 level. For FCE, describing pictures will generally involve talking about a person of group of people participating in some type of activity.
In FCE Speaking Part 2, you'll see pictures connected to a variety of topics which are considered standard at B2 level. For FCE, describing pictures will ...
VerkkoB2 First (formerly FCE) Speaking Exam Part Two – Video. Download PDF. In this lesson, you can learn about how to do the Cambridge B2 Firstspeaking exam, part two. The exam was previously called the …
Speaking Part 2 Exercise 1 is our first exercise for the B2 First Speaking Test Part 2. You compare two photos on your own for about a minute and then your partner will answer a short question about your photos. Don’t try to describe every detail in Part 2 of the Speaking Test.
This part of the test comprises 2 tasks. First, you or your partner will have to compare two pictures and answer one question in the process. Second, you or ...
Verkko1. The question the examiner asks you is also written above the photos. 2. You should describe the photos in lots of detail. 3. Each student will get a unique pair of …
For Part 2 of the FCE (B2 First) Speaking exam, many students believe they should describe two pictures and then answer a question. However is this the best ...
Example 10 speaking questions/topics for the B2 First (FCE) exam. In Part 2:• The examiner gives you two photographs to talk about and asks you a direct …
B2 First Speaking Part 2 Pictures for Better Results Practice materials for the Cambridge English exams are often hard to find, so I compiled this article with pictures for B2 First Speaking Part 2. Before You Decide Book Your Free 30-Minute Call on Zoom or Skype to Discuss or Practice Your B2 First Speaking Test
In part 2 of the First (FCE) Speaking Exam you will be asked to compare two pictures and to answer a question about those pictures. You have one minute to complete the task. Your partner will then be asked a question about your pictures. This should be a short answer (approximately 30 seconds). The … Näytä lisää
Watch a real example of two students doing a Speaking Part 2 task. Practice 1: Compare two photos. 1. Set a timer for one minute. (You could use a kitchen ...
In the rest of this lesson, you are going to develop your speaking skills for part of the B2 First for Schools Speaking test which involves a similar task with two pictures. Now you have tried a basic version of this task, think about the following questions: 1. Were you able to speak for one minute? Did you pause or repeat yourself?