Ways to avoid the spread of false info on social media ...
libguides.geneseo.edu › SocialMediaLiesDec 22, 2021 · Propaganda, misinformation, deep and cheapfakes, and other attempts at manipulation are prevalent on social media. This page contains some information and strategies that you can use to avoid spreading them yourself. False information can often spread through the following path: A propagandist, fanatic, or scammer makes up a piece of information or story and posts it as fact on a show, social media post, or editorial outlet.
COVID-19-related misinformation on social media: a systematic ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc › articlesJun 01, 2021 · Social media have occupied a central role during the ongoing pandemic and the resulting wave of content related to COVID-19 has been referred to as an infodemic. 1 However, incorrect information about COVID-19 can be dangerous because it may divert people away from taking appropriate actions that would help protect their health and the health of others and could lead them to take actions that may spread the illness or to engage in other problematic behaviours. 2 The World Health Organization ...