The Spread of False Information on Social Media
The first step is in becoming aware of this reality. The intentional dissemination of false information on social media Those who are dedicated to influencing people to manipulate their behavior, whether for commercial or criminal purposes, know that there are effective ways to take advantage of them. Here’s how they do it:
Social Media and Fake News - AACE
10.4.2019 · 41% of US Americans use social media daily to consume news. 65% of Germans describe the information in German media as generally credible. Asked to describe their level of trust in the mass media to report the news fully, …
People say they regularly see false and misleading …
13.5.2019 · And very few social media users say they never see content like this: A median of 17% of social media users report never seeing articles that make them feel negatively toward groups of people different from them, and just 8% …