European Language Portfolio › media › 2269The Council of Europe and the European Language Portfolio Ireland is a member of the Council of Europe, which makes it part of a family of 45 countries stretching all the way from Iceland to Azerbaijan. The millions of young people who live in those countries share many experiences and interests, but also have different languages, cultures and
European Language Portfolio (ELP) - Homepage › en › webThe European Language Portfolio (ELP) was developed by the Language Policy Programme of the Council of Europe. to support the development of learner autonomy, plurilingualism and intercultural awareness and competence; to allow users to record their language learning achievements and their experience of learning and using languages.
Principles, Guidelines and the CEFR › en › webAll ELP models conform to a set of Principles and Guidelines that specify: its explicit aims, notably to foster linguistic and cultural diversity, to promote intercultural learning, to support lifelong plurilingual learning, to develop learner autonomy, to provide a transparent and coherent means to record communicative competence (relating to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) that is recognisably European.
European Language Portfolio (ELP) › european-language-portfolio-elp-The European Language Portfolio ( ELP) is designed to support the development of learner autonomy, intercultural awareness and plurilingualism. Conceived and developed by the Council of Europe in parallel with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ( CEFR ), it allows users to record their experience of learning languages other than their mother tongue (s) and to assess their language learning achievements against the proficiency levels of the CEFR.
Guide to compiling an ELP - European Language Portfolio (ELP) › en › webEuropean Language Portfolio (ELP) Developing an ELP model Guide to compiling an ELP What is the European Language Portfolio? It is a document in which those who are learning or have learned a language - whether at school or outside school - can record and reflect on their language learning and cultural experiences. Its main aims are: