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european language portfolio examples

Principles, Guidelines and the CEFR - European …
The Principles and Guidelines were adopted and the development and use of the ELP were recommended by the Ministers of Education of all the member States of the Council of Europe …
European Language Portfolio (ELP) - Homepage
The European Language Portfolio (ELP) was developed by the Language Policy Programme of the Council of Europe. to support the development of learner autonomy, plurilingualism and …
EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO ( SAMPLE- ENGLISH) Dear Student, This portfolio is yours and it consists of three parts: 1. Language Biography • allows you to participate in …
My First European Language Portfolio - Council of Europe › 1680461591
My First European Language Portfolio A European Language Portfolio for children aged 3 to 7 Bestellnummer 10787 MUSTER
European Language Portfolio
The Council of Europe aims to help you to understand and respect other people and the things that make them different. Your European Language Portfolio is designed to help you learn …
Perspectives on the European Language Portfolio for ... › doc › Perspectives
Three ELP models for compulsory education ... Language Portfolio (ELP) have been de- ... samples of work in the Learning Dossier,.
Guide to compiling an ELP - European Language Portfolio (ELP)
the titles European Language Portfolio/Portfolio européen des langues, Language passport/Passeport de langues, Language biography/Biographie langagière and Dossier; the …
Using the European Language Portfolio in English language ... › media › 2461
2 The European Language Portfolio for learning the language of the host community in primary schools This version of the European Language Portfolio (ELP) was
My First European Language Portfolio
This European Language Portfolio is made of three parts: 1. Language Biography This part lets you talk about your life and documents your language abilities. 2. Dossier Here you can …
European Language Portfolio (ELP) - Homepage › en › web
The European Language Portfolio (ELP) was developed by the Language Policy Programme of the Council of Europe. to support the development of learner autonomy, plurilingualism and intercultural awareness and competence; to allow users to record their language learning achievements and their experience of learning and using languages.
European Language Portfolio › en-GB › Default
The portfolio is focused on promoting a reflective approach and the development of learning strategies, which are essential for lifelong learning of languages.
The European Language Portfolio in use: nine examples › f › ELP+in+use+31+January+03
Introduction David Little The concept of the European Language Port-folio is at once simple and comprehensive: •a language passport that summarizes the owner’s linguistic and cultural identity;
European Language Portfolio - ECML…
The Council of Europe aims to help you to understand and respect other people and the things that make them different. Your European Language Portfolio is designed to …
ECML/CELV > Thematic areas > Curricula and evaluation ... › Thematicareas › Evaluationand
European Language Portfolio. The European Language Portfolio is a personal document in which learners of all ages can record their language learning and cultural experiences both within and outside formal education. It also provides a framework for learners to assess their own language competences. Using the ELP. UNDERSTANDING THE ELP. ELP IN USE.
The European Language Portfolio in Use: Nine Examples: Edited …
ELP 9examples en.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The European Language Portfolio in use: examples
The Dossier - European Language Portfolio (ELP)
It should contain examples of the learner’s “best work” (evidence of what he or she can do in one or more languages) as well as certificates and attestations. When designing the Dossier developers …
Using the European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages …
The European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages is a tool for reflection and selfassessment of the didactic knowledge and skills necessary to teach …
European Language Portfolio - YouTube › watch
Created using Powtoon -- Free sign up at -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free.
My European Language Portfolio - SCILT › Library › resources › ELP
Your European Language Portfolio (ELP) allows you to record and comment on all the language learning and cultural experiences you have in and out of school.
(PDF) The European Language Portfolio: Structure, origins ... › 23187...
PDF | This article describes the structure, functions and origins of the Council of Europe's European Language Portfolio (ELP); summarizes the scope.
The European Language Portfolio in use: nine examples › ELP+in+use...
Using the ELP to plan and evaluate language learning: an example from a French secondary school. Déborah Mullois. 19. The ELP pilot project in Greece.
The European Language Portfolio: a guide for teachers and ... › ...
This guide is intended for teachers, teacher trainers and teachers in training who are interested in familiarizing themselves with the European Language ...