How to self-assess your language skills? | Europass › europass › enAug 9, 2010 · You can complete a simple self-assessment table in your Europass profile to describe your language skills. You can read each of the descriptions in the self-assessment tool and pick the level that you think best describes your listening, reading, spoken interaction, spoken production and writing skills in any language.
Home | Europass is a set of online tools to help with creating CVs, cover letters and also help users to find jobs and courses in the EU. Europass also matches user skills and …
In which languages is Europass available? | Europass › europass › enEuropass is available in the following languages of the participating Europass countries: Bulgarian Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Icelandic Irish Italian Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Maltese Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish Ukrainian
Description of the eight EQF levels | Europass › europass › enDescription of the eight EQF levels Each of the 8 levels of the EQF is defined by a set of descriptors indicating the learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at that level in any qualifications system. The learning outcomes are defined in terms of: Knowledge: in the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual.