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eqf level 6

Qualifications frameworks | Finnish National Agency for …
level 6: Bachelor’s degrees at universities of applied sciences and Bachelor’s degrees at universities, Professional specialisation programmes provided by universities and universities …
Professional bachelor - EQF level 6, ISCED 655 (Profesinio …
Professional bachelor - EQF level 6, ISCED 655 (Profesinio bakalauro studijos). Professional bachelor degree studies (tertiary non-academic education). | CEDEFOP Home Professional …
Higher Education institutions consider that all higher education level qualifications (EQF. 6,7,8) should be awarded by themselves. The Council of Europe ...
European Qualifications Framework - Wikipedia
The European Qualifications Framework ( EQF) acts as a translation device to make national qualifications more readable across Europe, promoting workers' and learners' mobility between …
Qualifications frameworks | Finnish National Agency for ... › qualifications-fra...
level 6: Bachelor's degrees at universities of applied sciences and Bachelor's ... on the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF).
Find and Compare Qualifications Frameworks | Europass
Information about national qualifications framerworks and qualification levels. Find, understand and compare qualifications types that are part of national qualifications frameworks and …
EuropeActive/EREPS Registration Requirements Profile EQF ... › › files › registration
What does level 6 mean at Fitness QF? EQF Level. Occupation. Target Audience. Level 6. Advanced Health & Exercise Specialist. General and special populations.
NQF 6 | Europass › europass › en
EQF Level 6 Priority 1 Bachelor degrees and equivalent higher education qualifications (Bachelor und gleichgestellte Hochschulabschlüsse) Description
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) | Europass
The EQF is an 8-level, learning outcomes-based framework for all types of qualifications that serves as a translation tool between different national qualifications frameworks. This …
Description of the eight EQF levels | Europass - European Union › europass › descript...
Level 6 - learning outcomes ; Knowledge, Skills, Responsibility and autonomy ; Advanced knowledge of a field of work or study, involving a critical understanding ...
European Qualifications Framework - Wikipedia › wiki › Euro...
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) acts as a translation device to make national qualifications more readable across Europe, promoting workers' and ...
Tutkintojen viitekehykset | Opetushallitus
taso 6: ammattikorkeakoulututkinnot ja alemmat korkeakoulututkinnot, yliopistojen ja ammattikorkeakoulujen erikoistumiskoulutukset, joiden kohderyhmänä ovat alemman …
Studying abroad | Erasmus+ › opportunities
"Cycle" refers to the level of study as defined by the European Qualifications Framework (EQF): First cycle (Bachelor or equivalent) EQF – 5/6; Second cycle (Master or equivalent) EQF 7; Third cycle (Doctoral or equivalent) EQF 8; For "one-cycle" courses such as medicine or architecture, you can go abroad with Erasmus+ for as long as 24 months.
Description of the eight EQF levels | Europass
Knowledge: in the context of EQF, knowledge is described as theoretical and/or factual. Skills: In the context of EQF, skills are described as cognitive (involving the use of logical, intuitive and …
The EuropeActive standards have been informally referenced to the European Qualification Framework (EQF) by our experts and confirmed with their use through some national …
EQF: European Qualifications Framework Explained - Oxbridge › blog
EQF Level 6, RQF Level 6, SCQF Level 10. Vocational Qualifications Level 6, Honours Degree. Graduate Certificate / Diploma. Professional Development Awards.
Level 6 - Deutscher Qualifikationsrahmen › dqr › dqr-levels
Level 6 describes competences required for the planning, processing and evaluation of comprehensive technical tasks and problems and competences for ...
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) | Europass › european-qualifications-framework
This framework helps improve transparency, comparability and portability of people’s qualifications and makes it possible to compare qualifications from different countries and institutions. The EQF covers all types and all levels of qualifications and the use of learning outcomes makes it clear what a person knows, understands and is able to do.
Description of the eight EQF levels | Europass › europass › en
Level 1 - learning outcomes Level 2 - learning outcomes Level 3 - learning outcome Level 4 - learning outcomes Level 5 - learning outcomes Level 6 - learning outcomes Level 7 - learning outcomes Level 8 - learning outcomes Compatibility with the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area
European qualifications framework (EQF) | CEDEFOP
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is a common European reference framework whose purpose is to make qualifications more readable and understandable across different …
Find and Compare Qualifications Frameworks | Europass › europass › en
With the help of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) you can see how National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) and systems relate to one another. You can select 2 countries from the flag icon below to see what types of qualifications are included in national frameworks referenced to the EQF.