Testing against your Production Database System - EF Core
learn.microsoft.com › en-us › efOct 11, 2022 · Efficient database creation. Efficient database cleanup. Summary. In this page, we discuss techniques for writing automated tests which involve the database system against which the application runs in production. Alternate testing approaches exist, where the production database system is swapped out by test doubles; see the testing overview page for more information.
Integration testing with EF Core, part 1 - DEV Community
dev.to › maxx_don › integration-testing-with-ef-coreApr 6, 2021 · Integration testing with EF Core (2 Part Series) 1 Integration testing with EF Core, part 1 2 Integration testing with EF Core, part 2. In this mini series I will go through some challenges and the solutions I applied in implementing integration testing with EF Core and SQL Server running on Docker. EF Core has been out for a while now (according to Wikipedia it's been released on 27/6/2016) and since day one it had support for an in memory database provider.
Overview of testing applications that use EF Core - EF Core
learn.microsoft.com › en-us › efNov 23, 2022 · For a testing approach that allows you to use a reliable test double for all the functionality of your production database system, it's possible to introduce a repository layer in your application. This allows you to exclude EF Core entirely from testing and to fully mock the repository; however, this alters the architecture of your application in a way which could be significant, and involves more implementation and maintenance costs.
Integration Testing with ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 60510597Mar 3, 2020 · I am trying to perform integration testing on a ASP.NET.Core WebAPI that uses EF Core for managing data. Architecture is based on eShopContainers DDD sample. I am using Xunit for testing and have considered three approaches for resetting the database running in a docker-compose stack, to an initial state prior to running each test: Test Setup: Create and seed database with test data, TearDown: Remove database.
Integration Testing with Entity Framework Core and SQL Server
www.davepaquette.com › archive › 2016/11/27Nov 27, 2016 · Integration Testing with Entity Framework Core and SQL Server. 2016-11-27. Entity Framework Core. Entity Framework Core makes it easy to write tests that execute against an in-memory store. Using an in-memory store is convenient since we don’t need to worry about setting up a relational database. It also ensures our unit tests run quickly so we aren’t left waiting hours for a large test suite to complete.