Overview of testing applications that use EF Core - EF Core
learn.microsoft.com › en-us › efNov 23, 2022 · For a testing approach that allows you to use a reliable test double for all the functionality of your production database system, it's possible to introduce a repository layer in your application. This allows you to exclude EF Core entirely from testing and to fully mock the repository; however, this alters the architecture of your application in a way which could be significant, and involves more implementation and maintenance costs.
InMemory Database Provider - EF Core | Microsoft Learn
learn.microsoft.com › ef › coreJan 25, 2022 · Supported Database Engines. This database provider allows Entity Framework Core to be used with an in-memory database. While some users use the in-memory database for testing, this is generally discouraged; the SQLite provider in in-memory mode is a more appropriate test replacement for relational databases. For more information on how to test EF Core applications, see the testing documentation.
Entity Framework Core In Memory Testing database
garywoodfine.com › entity-framework-core-memoryFeb 11, 2018 · Testing Entity Framework Core Relational Databases using SQLite In-Memory Mode. In order to use the SqLite provider you will first need to add a reference your Unit Test Project. dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Sqlite. The SQLite provider itself is a relational database provider, However we can take advantage of SQLite in-memory mode. The key benefit is that we get the full behavior of a relational database, with the benefits of the running in-memory.
c# - Unit testing EF Core using in-memory database with an ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 57469212Aug 13, 2019 · Unit testing EF Core using in-memory database with an eager-loaded function. Ask Question. Asked 3 years, 5 months ago. Modified 3 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 8k times. 5. I am writing unit tests for my my Web API and cannot get the test to pass except by removing the include (eager-loading from the method). I am using the in-memory database to provide the dbcontext and can't figure out why it is returning no data.