VerkkoEasy Movie Trivia: 214 Questions About Movies To Spend A Fun Family Night Get Inspiration For Education! Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more Get ready to put your …
Even if you aren’t a big movie buff, these trivia clues will be doable. The clues center around basic, well-known facts about each movie in question. Their …
Answer: Kenny Loggins The “Top Gun” song “Take My Breath Away” won an Oscar for best original song in 1987. Who recorded the song? Answer: Berlin In what movie did actor Tom …
Swearnet: The Movie (2014). It's naturally fitting that a movie with the word "Swear" in its title can claim to be the most profane movie of all time. Swearnet: …
Sep 1, 2021 · Easy Movie Trivia Questions and Answers. Challenge your film buff friends with the best movie trivia questions below! What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released? Fantasia; Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs; Steamboat Willie; Dumbo; Answer: B. What movie musical was set at Rydell High School? West Side Story; Grease; Singin ...
These easy movie quiz questions and answers are lots of fun! It’s hard to deny the joy watching a good movie brings! Whether it’s tugging at your heartstrings or blowing you away with …
Aug 14, 2020 · Test their knowledge with this list of 100 easy movie trivia questions and answers! Spanning the decades between the first scenes on the silver screen and today’s Netflix movie generation, we’ve put together ten rounds of ten questions, all dedicated to famous films.
Test their knowledge with this list of 100 easy movie trivia questions and answers! Spanning the decades between the first scenes on the silver screen and …
Mar 27, 2023 · Answer: Tom Hanks In what 1983 movie does actor Tom Cruise dance in his underwear to the song “Old Time Rock & Roll"? Answer: “Risky Business” What prestigious college does Joel (Tom Cruise)...
Easy Movie Trivia Questions and Answers. Challenge your film buff friends with the best movie trivia questions below! What was the first feature-length …
Easy long trivia quiz - questions and answers ... Who won his second Oscar in successive years for Forrest Gump? A: Tom Hanks. Which circus musical starred Glenn ...
150 Movie Trivia Questions 1. Question: What are the dying words of Charles Foster Kane in Citizen Kane? Answer: "Rosebud" 2. Question: Who played Mrs. Robinson in The Graduate?...