180+ Easy Trivia Questions
www.triviaquestionss.com › easy-trivia-questionsHere we present you some easy food trivia questions: What breakfast cereal was Sonny the Cuckoo Bird (cuckoo for)? Cocoa Puffs. Why was the Animal Crackers box designed with a string handle? The animal shaped cookie treats were introduced in 1902... On what vegetable did an ancient Egyptian place ...
Easy Trivia Questions and Answers
funnytriviaquestions.com › easy-trivia-questionsAnswer: Eight. Easy Trivia Questions and Answers for Kids. Name the state which is famous for Hollywood? Answer: California. What do mean by a doe? Answer: A female deer. In Which season do leaves die? Answer: In the fall. How many days are in a year? Answer: 365. Name the fastest land animal? Answer: The cheetah. Why do things fall when you drop them?