Delivengo Official - International delivery solution for ... › delivengo-officielSet-up the Delivengo app in your Shopify back office and ship your small packets. The Delivengo Official app is an easy-to-use tool that allows merchants to : print labels in the Shopify Back-Office and prepare custom forms at the same time. Delivengo is a home delivery solution, packets are delivered at home in e-shoppers mailboxes. E shoppers have the opportunité to follow their packet with the tracking service.
Delivengo official - PrestaShop › en › shipping-logisticsDelivengo is a solution without any commitment of time or insurance in case of loss, theft, spoliation, lack of tracking. What's New in Version 1.0.4 (06/09/2022) Evolution: API 2.4 Update - Updated the visual for the sender phone number (shop_phone) on the document generation from an order and the generation of the deposit document.
Delivengo easy - La Poste › easyVos expéditions vers les États-unis à partir de 11,40 € Envoyez des bijoux fantaisie en Italie à partir de 7,20 € Voir les tarifs par pays Avec Delivengo, tout est «easy» et sans engagement J’expédie mes petits paquets de moins de 2 kg au meilleur tarif vers 190 pays partout dans le monde. Je prépare mes envois