How to write language skills on a CV | TopCV from Indeed, the job website, revealed the top 10 languages that employers currently ask for in postings. In order of popularity, these were: German, French, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Japanese, Russian, …
How to List Language Skills on a Resume (With 5+ Examples) › resume-language-skillsNov 2, 2022 · If you’ll be using your language skills on a daily basis, it’s a good idea to mention them among your top skills at the start of your resume in addition to including them in one of the sections listed above. This immediately lets the hiring manager know that you fulfill one of the basic requirements of the job. Examples of language skills on a resume. Here are some samples demonstrating how to list language proficiency levels on a resume: Example #1 (general scale) Example #2 (CEFR scale)