3 Tips For Describing English Language Proficiency
www.ilovelanguages.com › how-to-describe-englishThe level of English proficiency someone has will often depend on their individual circumstances and how often they use the language. An English Language Proficiency Level can be thought of as a guide to what an English Learner must be able to do in order to succeed in their language. Can Do Descriptors, as a teacher resource, can be used to determine which students can be identified at each language proficiency level.
English Language Levels: What is Your English Proficiency Level?
preply.com › en › blogFeb 11, 2021 · At B1 proficiency level, English learners can: Describe experiences and desires. Listen to and understand English TV shows, but you still need English subtitles on. Follow the plot in fairly simple English stories and understand what’s going on in the news. Write simple texts on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. Tips to reach B1 level