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compared to vs compared with

Compared to or compared with Grammar & Punctuation …
Compared to is referring to two items in different classifications (e.g., dogs to cats or cats to cars). In these differing classifications, the user is pointing out similarities between the two …
Compared to or compared with Grammar & Punctuation Rules › usage › compared-to-or-compared-with
Compared with is usually referring to two objects of similar classification (e.g., dogs to dogs and cats to cats). Within this similar order, the user is speaking of the differences between the two objects of comparison. Compared to is referring to two items in different classifications (e.g., dogs to cats or cats to cars). In these differing classifications, the user is pointing out similarities between the two seemingly unrelated objects.
Compare To vs. Compare With - The Blue Book of …
19.8.2015 · B) Corey compared Eva’s running style to a gazelle’s. 2. A) The police compared the e in Whitten’s signature with the e in the forged name on the contract. 3. A) Compared with the …
Compared to or Compared with: What’s the difference?
Compared with Labradors, Poodles require more grooming. The Beagle’s intelligence level is not high compared with that of other hunting dog breeds. If your purpose is to show similarities …
"Compared with" Versus "Compared to" on GMAT › com...
The phrase "compared with" is used to compare similar things, while the phrase "compared to" is used to compare dissimilar things. Let us illustrate this ...
Compared to or compared with Grammar & Punctuation Rules › usage › com...
To compare two things is to evaluate them in reference to each other, their similarities and their differences. Both prepositions to and with may be used ...
“Compared with” Versus “Compared to” on GMAT
The phrase "compared with" is used to compare similar things, while the phrase "compared to" is used to compare dissimilar things. Let us illustrate this concept through the following …
Compare To vs. Compare With - The Blue Book of Grammar and ... › compare-to-vs-compare-with
Comparing with tends to be a more mature, responsible, and demanding act than comparing to. Comparing with requires objectivity—and often necessitates research.
Compared "to" or Compared "with"? - Daily Writing Tips › compared-to-or-compared
To compare to is to point out or imply resemblances between objects regarded as essentially of a different order; to compare with is mainly to point out differences between objects regarded as essentially of the same order. Thus, life has been compared to a pilgrimage, to a drama, to a battle; Congress may be compared with the
'In comparison to' vs. 'in comparison with' in English › in-compari...
It is worth noting that “in comparison with” used to be much more common in the past than “in comparison to”, but there is no difference in their relative ...
Is it Compare TO or WITH or AGAINST? Which is correct?
You can use the prepositions “to”, “with”, and “against” with the verb compare in slightly different contexts. We use “compare to” when we want to try and bring a comparison together and …
Which Is Correct, Compared To Or Compared With? Answered › which-is-correct-compared-to-or
Sep 29, 2022 · The participle compared is always accompanied either ‘ to ’ or ‘ with ’ which are the prepositions used to perfectly express this verb. However, many people do not express this verb correctly in a sentence as they usually misplace the use of ‘ Compared to’ and ‘ Compared with ’ and use it interchangeably in a sentence.
Compare To or Compare With: What's the Difference? › compar...
In other words, the phrase compare to is really meant to liken things together, whereas the phrase compare with is used to juxtapose things with each. Trick to ...
Compared "to" or Compared "with"? - Daily Writing Tips › co...
Both prepositions, to and with, can be used following compare. Neither is more correct than the other, but a slight distinction can be made in meaning. To has ...
Compare To or Compare With: What’s the Difference?
Compare is a verb that means to examine the similarities and differences between two objects or concepts. A preposition —usually to or with —links the two nouns in the comparison, and in the …
Compared To or Compared With - What's the Difference Between …
21.7.2020 · In this video, learn how to use "compare to" and "compare with". You'll learn what the difference is between "compare to" and "compare with" and you'll learn...
How does it compare "with" or "to"? | Learn English - Preply › Home › English
Use COMPARED WITH when juxtaposing two or more items to illustrate similarities and/or differences: His time was 2:11:10 compared with 2:14 for ...
Compared to or Compared with: What's the difference? - LetPub › Compared_...
In English, “compare” or “compared” is often accompanied by the preposition “to” or “with.” Both are grammatically correct, so how do we know which one to ...
Compare To or Compare With: What’s the Difference? › compare-to-or-compare-wit
Compare with is used to juxtapose two or more things with each other, looking at similarities and differences. Compare to is used when likening two things together. You can remember to use compare to for drawing similarities by imagining that you are making an informal analogy—which is more formally stated A is to B as C is to D.
"Compared with" vs "Compared to"—which is used when?
12.4.2011 · From Strunk and White: To compare to is to point out or imply resemblances between objects regarded as essentially of a different order;. To compare with is mainly to point out …
"Compared with" vs "Compared to"—which is used when? › c...
From Strunk and White: To compare to is to point out or imply resemblances between objects regarded as essentially of a different order;. To compare with is ...
Should I write ‘compared to’ or ‘compared with’? - Emphasis
Author : Rob Ashton. Posted : 21 / 11 / 14. There’s a subtle but useful difference between ‘compared to’ and ‘compared with’. ‘Compared to’ highlights a similarity between two things. …
Compared "to" or Compared "with"? - Daily Writing Tips
Thank you for the explanation of the differences between compared “to” vs compared “with”. Having worked in a field where the use of the word “compare” is very high and generally poorly …