The correct preposition to use with the word “Compatible” is “With”. Therefore, the correct form is “Compatible With”. “Compatible To” is grammatically incorrect, and consequently not …
Rooms are comparable to any 3 Star Hotel. The average consumer prices in Bulgaria are comparable to other Balkan countries. You need to research these investment opportunities …
comparable to each other is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! comparable to each other 48,600,000 results on the web Some examples from the web: The purpose of the …
To say that the apps are the same, or the same quality, or comparable in all regards is ignorance at its finest. The serious breeder, Superphenix (1984-1996) comparable in capacity to a …
The act of comparing to —claiming that two distinct entities share a noteworthy similarity—is something children do all the time. When a child says, “Mommy, that owl looks like Uncle Al!” …
If your purpose is to show similarities between elements that are basically of a different type or classification, use compare to. The children playing and ...
Compare is a verb that means to examine the similarities and differences between two objects or concepts. A preposition —usually to or with —links the two nouns in the comparison, and in the …
While both of these phrases are, obviously, used to denote a comparison of qualities between two or more things, they are used in two slightly different ...
18.9.2020 · Which preposition do you use in combination with compatible? With or to, or are both possible? If both are possible, when do you use which option? What is the difference? Example: …
Compare is a verb that means to examine the similarities and differences between two objects or concepts. A preposition—usually to or with—links the two nouns ...
31.10.2016 · In most senses there is really no distinction. Some people might use one or the other more, or might make a distinction, but there is no general rule we can give. (And this applies to …
Some examples from the web: But it's not comparable with a real letter.; Not comparable with what is here, though.; Lastly, production data from former planned economies were not …
Is comparable to or with? ... “Comparable TO” is intended to be used when there is a likeness between the entities mentioned. “This model's specification is ...
Strunk and White (The Elements of Style) To compare to is to point out or imply resemblances between objects regarded as essentially of a different order; to compare with is mainly to point …
Both prepositions, to and with, can be used following compare. Neither is more correct than the other, but a slight distinction can be made in meaning. To has ...
To compare two things is to evaluate them in reference to each other, their similarities and their differences. Both prepositions to and with may be used ...