China Population 1950-2022 | MacroTrends riviä · The current population of China in 2022 is 1,448,471,400, a 0.29% increase from 2021. The population of China in 2021 was 1,444,216,107, a 0.34% increase from 2020. The population of China in 2020 was 1,439,323,776, a 0.39% increase from 2019. The population of China in 2019 was 1,433,783,686, a 0.43% increase from 2018. Download Historical Data
China - Population distribution | Britannica › place › ChinaThe most significant internal population movement in modern Chinese history was that of the Han to Manchuria (now known as the Northeast). Even before the Qing (Manchu) dynasty was established in 1644, Manchu soldiers had launched raids into North China and captured Han labourers, who were then obliged to settle in Manchuria.
Demographics of China - Wikipedia's fertility statistics differ depending on the source. According to the Ministry of Health and Family Planning November 2015 announcement, China's 2015 Total Fertility Rate or TFR was somewhere between 1.5 and 1.6. Children born per woman from 1930 to 1949. It is based on fairly good data for the entire period. Sources: Our World In Data and Gapminder Foundation.