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china population historical data

China, People's Republic of - OECD Data
VerkkoChina (People's Republic of) Long-term average = 100: FDI stocks Indicator: 15.3 Outward % of GDP 2022 China (People's Republic of) % of GDP: Outward % of GDP 2005-2022 …
Demographics of China - statistics & facts | Statista › topics › 1276
Feb 3, 2023 · Population distribution in China in 2021, by five-year age group Median age of the population in China 1950-2100 Median age of the population in China 1950-2100 Median age of the...
China: total population 1980-2028 | Statista…
Demographics Total population of China 1980-2028 Published by C. Textor , Apr 12, 2023 According to preliminary data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics of China in January 2023,...
China Population 1950-2023 | MacroTrends › countries › CHN
Chart and table of China population from 1950 to 2023. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. The current population of China in 2023 is 1,425,671,352, a 0.02% decline from 2022. The population of China in 2022 was 1,425,887,337, a 0% increase from 2021.
A Brief History of China's Population | SpringerLink › chapter
A striking feature of China's demographic history is that the population apparently fluctuated between 37 and 60 million for a thousand years, ...
Demographics of China - Wikipedia
During 1960–2015, the population grew to nearly 1.4 billion. Under Mao Zedong, China nearly doubled in population from 540 million in 1949 to 969 million in 1979. This growth slowed because of the one-child policy instituted in 1979. The 2022 data shows a declining population for the first time since 1961. The People's Republic of China conducted censuses in 1953, 1964, 1982, 1990, 2…
Demographics of China - statistics & facts | Statista
China, the world's most populous country as of 2022, had a total population of 1.41 billion at the end of the year (not including Hong Kong, Macau, and …
China Population 1950-2023
Life Expectancy. Birth Rate. Death Rate. Infant Mortality Rate. Fertility Rate. Chart and table of China population from 1950 to 2023. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. The current population of China in 2023 is …
China: historical population 0-1998 | Statista
Historical population development of China in selected years between 0 and 1998 (in 1,000s) [Graph]. In Statista . Retrieved August 02, 2023, from …
Issues and Trends in China's Demographic History › special
As early as 2 C.E. during the Han dynasty, China had a population of some 60 million — approximately one-fourth of the world's population at that time.
Population history of China - Wikipedia › wiki › Pop...
Brook states that the population figures gathered in the official censuses after 1393 ranged between 51 and 62 million, while the population was in fact ...
Population, total - China - World Bank Data › indicator › SP.POP.TOTL
Population, total - China from The World Bank: Data. ... Population and Vital Statistics Reprot ( various years ), ( 5 ) U.S. Census Bureau: International ...
China Population (2023) - Worldometer › chi...
Population of China (2020 and historical) ; 1975, 926,240,885, 2.28 % ; 1970, 827,601,394, 2.70 % ; 1965, 724,218,968, 1.86 % ; 1960, 660,408,056, 1.53 % ...
China - Statistics & Facts | Statista
Total population of China from 1980 to 2022 with forecasts until 2028 (in millions) Basic Statistic Population growth in China 2000-2022 Population growth in …
China Population (I:CPUYXDET)
Historical Data View and export this data back to 1960. Upgrade now. Basic Info China Population is at a current level of 1.412B, up from 1.411B …
Population history of China - Wikipedia › wiki › Population_history_of_China
The population history of China covers the long-term pattern of population growth in China and its impact on the history of China. The population went through many cycles that generally reached peaks along each imperial power and was decimated due to wars and barbarian invasions.
China Population, 1949 – 2023 | CEIC Data › en › indicator
Key information about China population The China population reached 1,411.8 million people in Dec 2022, compared with the previously reported figure of 1,412.6 million people in Dec 2021 The data reached an all-time high of 1,412.6 million people in Dec 2021 and a record low of 541.7 million people in Dec 1949
China Population - 2022 Data - 1950-2021 Historical - Chart › china
China's population fell by 850K to 1.411 billion in 2022 from 1.412 billion in 2021, the first decline since 1961. · Looking back, in the year of 1950, China had ...
Demographics of China - Wikipedia › wiki › Demographics_of_China
China's population reached 1 billion in 1982. As of December 2022, China's population stood at 1.4118 billion. [2] According to the 2020 census, 91.11% of the population was Han Chinese, and 8.89% were minorities. China's population growth rate is only 0.03%, ranking 159th in the world. [3]
Population history of China - Wikipedia
• Alpermann, Björn, and Shaohua Zhan. "Population planning after the one-child policy: shifting modes of political steering in China." Journal of Contemporary China 28.117 (2019): 348-366 online .• Atwell, William S. "Time, Money, and the Weather: Ming China and the 'Great Depression' of the Mid-Fifteenth Century", Journal of Asian Studies (2002), 61#1: 83–113, online
China Population, 1949 – 2023 | CEIC Data › ... › China
Buy Selected Data. Includes Population on 116 economies standardised by CEIC. Instant access to full history data in excel. Buy for $99 ...
Population growth in China - › asia
From 1960 to 2023 the population of China increased from 667.07 million to 1.43 billion people. This is a growth of 113.7 percent in 63 years.
World Bank Open Data | Data › country › china
China Jump to Projects & Operations Finances Surveys Human Capital Index Global Economic Prospects - Forecasts Climate Overview By Theme By SDG Goal Topic Social Economic Environment Institutions Social Indicator Most recent value Trend Poverty headcount ratio at $2.15 a day (2017 PPP) (% of population) Trend
Total population of China 1980-2028 - Statista › statistics
According to preliminary data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics of China in January 2023, the Chinese population decreased by ...