Test your English | Cambridge English
www.cambridgeenglish.org › test-your-englishCambridge English Qualifications are in-depth exams that make learning English enjoyable, effective and rewarding. Our unique approach encourages continuous progression with a clear path to improve language skills. We have qualifications for schools, general and higher education, and business. Learn more Online English testing, simplified
The CEFR and EF SET - EF Standard English Test
https://www.efset.org/cefrWhile the CEFR is a European scale and specifically designed to apply to any European language, it is now becoming a worldwide standard framework for language abilities, especially European languages, including English. The CEFR is not tied to any specific language test - and most standardized language tests now provide CEFR level equivalents.
The CEFR and EF SET - EF Standard English Test
www.efset.org › cefrThe CEFR, Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, is one of many frameworks that describe your language proficiency. There are several frameworks with similar aims including the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Proficiency Guidelines (ACTFL), the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB), and the Interagency Language Roundtable scale (ILR).
English C2 level - CEFR definition and tests | EF SET
www.efset.org › cefr › c2Proficient (EF SET score 71-100) English level C2 is the sixth and final level of English in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a definition of different language levels written by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level might be called “bilingual”, as in “I am bilingual in English and French.”.