The CEFR and EF SET - EF Standard English Test › cefrThe best way to find out your CEFR level is to take a well-designed standardized test. In English, the EF SET is the best choice because it is free and the first standardized test to be fully aligned to the CEFR. You will need to set aside 50 minutes to complete the test and find out your CEFR level.
Free standardized English test calibrated to the CEFR | EF SET › ef-set-50Free standardized English test calibrated to the CEFR | EF SET Our full English test 50 MIN EF SET Take the EF SET and get your EF SET Certificate™ immediately. No fees. No stress. Get a personalized EF SET Certificate™ Easily add it to your LinkedIn profile Immediate analysis of your reading and listening skills Start the test Why take the EF SET?