Campylobacter jejuni | UNL Food › campylobacter-jejuniCompiled By: Julie A. Albrecht, Ph.D., Associate Professor. The Organism: Campylobacter jejuni is a bacteria found in the intestinal tract of animals and poultry. The organism is sensitive to oxygen, drying, freezing, salting, and acid conditions. Campylobacter jejuni can produce a heat-labile toxin. This organism is very fragile outside of the body which makes it easy to control with proper food handling practices.
Wikipedia• Síntomas: Diarrea.• Patogenia: Por un mecanismo similar a Salmonella no typhi, Campylobacter invade células del intestino delgado, las lesiona y altera la absorción de líquidos.• Inmunidad: Se consideran protectoras las respuestas de Ac al antígeno O (LPS) y H (flagelar).